The first land situate upon this Gulf is that which is called the Farther Spain or Bætica[1]; next to which, beginning at the frontier town of Urgi[2], is the Nearer, or Tarraconensian[3] Spain, extending as far as the chain of the Pyrenees. The Farther Spain is divided lengthwise into two provinces, Lusitania[4] and Bætica, the former stretching along the northern side of the latter, and being divided from it by the river Ana[5]. The source of this river is in the district of Laminium[6], in the Nearer Spain. It first spreads out into a number of small lakes, and then again contracts itself into a narrow channel, or entirely disappears under ground[7], and after frequently disappearing and again coming to light, finally dis- charges itself into the Atlantic Ocean. Tarraconensian Spain lies on one side, contiguous to the Pyrenees, running down- wards along the sides of that chain, and, stretching across from the Iberian Sea to the Gallic ocean[8], is separated from Bætica and Lusitania by Mount Solorius[9], the chains of the Oretani[10] and the Carpetani[11], and that of the Astures[12].

1. So called from the Bætis, now the Guadalquivir or Great River.

2. The situation of this town is not known, but it is supposed to have been about five leagues from the present city of Mujacar, or Moxacar. It was situate on the Sinus Urgitanus.

3. So called from the city of Tarraco, on the site of the present Tarragona.

4. Corresponding nearly in extent with the present kingdom of Portugal.

5. Now Gaudiana, a corruption of the Arabic Wadi Ana, "the river Ana."

6. According to Hardouin this place is the modern town of Montiel, but Pinet and D'Anville make it the same as Alhambra.

7. According to modern writers it conceals itself in this manner for a distance of fifteen miles.

8. From the Balearic Channel to the Gulf of Gascony or Bay of Biscay.

9. Probably the Sierra Nevada is meant by this name; Hardouin considers it the same as the Sierra de los Vertientes.

10. Probably the Sierra Morena.

11. The Monte de Toledo.

12. The Sierra de las Asturias.